when the adventure begins: drunk kirby did lots of crazy shiznay
she wanted to be a bio chemist
manda joined in
this shall all have to be explained later
she ate raw roman noodles
kirby and manda got completely wasted and stormed off to village inn to beat up some kid who works there. me and patty were distracted by the stray cat that came into our house before we noticed their "smoke break" had been goin on for longer then it should. we found them at village in talking to the server guy and patty sent me to retrieve our friends. kirby was so drunk that she chased him into the kitchen as well as insulting all the kids friends. twas pretty embaressing. a huge scene was made. they were in no shape to drive and go into public. kirby then went psycho kicking pattys prom dates car and spitting on it. she cried most the rest of the night. after cheering her up she did normal silly drunk stuff. she ate raw noodles and old cheese. ive never been in so much drama in my life. they told me bein the sober one was gunna suck but it actually turned out to be quite the contrary