Dec 15, 2009 10:11
A reprieve from this stress and needless anxiety would be most welcome at any time now.
I have mostly brought it on myself. I have at least 16 pages more to write this week. Today starts off with me in a deep state of worry and dread. Can I work on any of this at work? No, I don't think so, so I have to write at least 3 pages of crap between 1:30 and 6 today, and start the 10 pages of crap that's due Thursday. Tonight I should get at least 5 pages of crap for the 10-pager, so that tomorrow, I can finish it.
It's almost over, almost over, almost over... At least I will not have any more tweaking out sessions, no more Ritalin for a while. I didn't really need it anyway, though it did help.
This weekend will rock. If it would get here faster, with all my work passed in on time, I would be so fucking grateful, you don't even know.
On the plus side, I am on top of my doctors appointments for winter break. Two within the next week!
if i could just calm down,
this would be a lot easier