(no subject)

Sep 28, 2004 20:45

pictures from yesterday&today.

sarah's face looks round. hehehe ;P so cute. eating her cheese. lol.

off-center pic. me likey.

josh's face.

blurry pic.

i want this dress for homecoming.

alex in history. lol. that sounds like the name of a novel or something ;P

alice&sarah. they are awesome people.

allie moon. always trying to hide.

the green shirt of jesus.

the floor of history. hhahaha. step on it.

james pham was at the meeting =]

josh wearing my pe shorts on his head. crazy dude.



sarah's face.


very true statement.

vincent dude is coolio.

brently trying to hide behind my eyeliner.

had fun with eye makeup.


homework kills me.

vivian tried to take a picture of her myspace hero. megan!

attempt #2.

try try again.

my lunch table people in the morning.

played with nail polish again.

hehehe ;P

the 'purple' backpack of dennis.

i fucking hate my mother.

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