(no subject)

Mar 10, 2005 06:43

Some black guy rang my doorbell a few minutes ago
He was pretty clean shaven witha black jacket round head and a gold tooth.

He said he lived two doors down (or a few his accent was thick)and needed change for a twenty, and the stores weren't open and his wife needed to go to work.

He's got two problems.

1) no black people live on my street.
2) who the fuck knocks on a neighbor's door they don't know to ask for change.

There was a car waiting for him.

2 houses in my neighborhood have been burglarized by a black guy who gained entry through was seemed legitimate reasons.

I swear to anything held sacred, I am not about to let my house be the third.
Anyone have any suggestions? comfort? reassurance?
Police have been called, dispatch will be sent over the course of the day.
Why do I feel not the slightest reassured.
Not going to class today. Suppose that already makes me a victim. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I'm not about to find out!
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