May 18, 2009 16:30
Sims 3 has been leaked and apparently has a no-cd all ready. This amuses me greatly.
I'm not touching a torrent for it for a while though, I think. With this whole "leak weeks early" thing, people are bound to be watching who downloads the torrent. I really really want to though. *cri* I can't be sure that Securom is cracked though. The copy that Pescado has is infested with Securom and I really do not want to go through that again ...I suppose that I could, seeing as the PC I would play on is not connected to the net right now so I do not have to worry about those firewall and virus scan issues from before but I would still have to rid myself of that crap if we even figure out what's wrong with the router to inhibit my PC being on the network.
Ah Well. Went to Heathers Graduation ceremony up at SLU. I IS SO PROUD! Had lackluster foods at the get together later but that is not the point of such things, the point is to share in the celebrations!
Went by the Antique district that day too and bought a silver compact that I had been eyeballing for weeks. The guy hadn't been around to put a price on it until now. $7. Weeee. Is pretty. Went home and took a nap after that. Paul's head was killing him and honestly, I was exhausted. I woke up at 7:30 and did all that running around. My body just can not do it.
We went to the Movies yesterday. X-men Origins. I am disappointed ...well ...not really. I didn't have high hopes for that movie. The Dialog was crappy. The CGI was noticeable and the thing that irritated me the most was that the characters reacted in ways that were not true to characters. I would have stretched the movie out by another 15-20minutes just to have Gambit act like Gambit, that fight scene made no sense what so ever. It shouldn't have happened there. Also, what the hell happened to Dead Pool? He's supposed to have a mouth on him. He's a morbid but funny guy, talks a lot. He has his own Comic series. They mutilated him by the end of the movie! I was looking forward to him.
They just approached things horribly. Now I know why I haven't seen this one trailer again. I saw it like last year. There were scenes in it that weren't in the movie now. More Remmy for one thing... that trailer played up the other characters more. Also, that little Montage from the opening credits with Wolverine and Sabertooth in the wars? Looks like something I saw in a comic book ...only, it wasn't a Marvel book. It was a FABLE comic and for their Character Bigby Wolf. I mean, sure, there are likely to be similarities in the comic universe. There are so many of them and they've had years to develop, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that I'd seen the entire thing before in comic form and then it hit me where. It just seems a little odd to me.
We watched Bedtime Stories when we got home too. That is a pretty cute family movie. It had me smiling the entire time. I recommend seeing that one.