inspection sticker panic

Mar 29, 2008 14:01

GAHHH. I went to get my inspection sticker a month ago when it was due, only to discover that no one in the area will touch my truck. I have to go back to the baton Rouge area to get my truck inspected, because it’s registered there and those areas do emissions tests. Never mind the fact that my truck is so old it doesn’t even qualify to have an emissions test. I had thirty days after the due date to get a sticker. I talked to family and some in Denham were supposed to get me a sticker and mail it to me because I can’t afford the $100+ that it would take for a round trip to Denham. Apparently, they have the sticker, they just have to mail it to me. Yeah well. My 30days is up on Monday and still no sticker. I have two fucking days. I’m panicking here and I can’t manage to get anyone on the damn phone about it.

My grandmother has given up on the sticker getting to me. She’s going to send me money to drive down to Denham. It will probably get here wendsday, after my sticker is expired. I have no idea what my schedule is for the next week but this sucks. I don’t have the funds to be missing work, buying the minutes needed for my phone or driving down. And I’m paranoid about getting stopped on the interstate or on my way to work in the meantime for the expired sticker. I also have no idea how long I can be down so too much visiting it out of the question.


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