Damn my Horoscope

Oct 13, 2010 18:43

Well, I did have some cool things going on. I was invited along to Ushicon in Texas with Heather, Brandon, Adam, Misha and Cory. Paul was invited too but he's really not that interested and I don't see him enjoying it for more then an hour and it's for the weekend.
Some kinks here. Adam is the only one who has ever gone to a Con. The Ushicon that Adam was used to going to, closed up shop a few years ago and was started up by another group under the name Chibi-Ushicon, he made these plans and was purchasing the tickets before he realized this. Now he's a little nervous about how awesome it will be because we had a pretty low ticket number.
The tickets are real cheap, like 30 a person, it's the hotel and gas that are the bigger issue but split between all of us, it's looking better and less impossible for me to go.

We are all going to try to Cosplay, probably all except Cory. I helped Brandon make a mask with the Paper Mache clay, which was OMG fuuuun. Soo very fun. He's creating a mask based off the ones from Bleach. It was there that I read my horoscope in one of the newspapers we were using, it said, I'm paraphrasing, that just because some problems have cleared up, don't think you are home free more is probably going to crop up and you may not come out ahead. Blah blah, I don't really believe in these because they are always general statements aimed at anyone.
Little hitch, we live in Louisiana in a very moist climate. The mask has taken a while to dry, and now a few of the bits that had a lot of clay on them due to sticking away from the mask, have a little bit of mold. :\ He lysol-ed it and hopefully that will stop the spread. We are painting and clear coating it anyway so it shouldn't be too bad to fix so long as it doesn't get any worse.

I got Paul to bring me out of the house last week end. We went to Target, Hobby Lobby, Denham's Party Store, and the Dollar Tree.
I got Tinkerbell wings at the party store, and a few things at the Dollar tree. Some Skull eye trays and some nail polish.
Well, on our way home, we got a txt from Merlin saying we had gotten a letter from the loan agency saying that they didn't get a payment for this month yet. This loan was taken out to move my aunts trailer, they put the van up as collateral. Stupid. My aunt now has this van with the agreement that she gets to drive it around so long as she pays off that loan and the van doesn't get repossessed. We now think that she's going back on her deal and we'll have to front the bill and we can't get in touch with anyone to tell us why we are getting a bill saying no one has payed. Paul drives a little aggressively because he is pissed and on our way back home, the that we are in (not the same van) just stops and we sit in a parking lot with Paul fiddling with an obviously not gonna crank van for over an hour while we wait for friends to come and get us. I love my friends.
Well, Paul goes back, gets the part that he needs to fix the van, and Merlin convinces him that it'd be better to tow the van with the little truck then to fix it in the parking lot. This truck does not have insurance, they were already taking a gamble driving the truck out to the van and back.
I wasn't there, but apparently, the truck jack-knifed a little while they were coming home and they scuffed up against a lady's car. Denting it slightly and putting a few scratches, the dent actually worked itself out. The Truck is impounded because of no insurance and Paul now has a court date and will have to pay a fine of which we know not the amount. This goes with his speeding ticket he got like last month that we are still waiting to come around. He was speeding, but in his defense, that extremely slow speed limit on that road is fucking stupid and needs to be raised. He also had no proof of insurance at that time, but only because for some baffling reason it was taken out that van. So the ticket shouldn't be that much because we actually did have insurance on it.
I'm ready to give up on him taking me out of the house now, because anytime I leave with him, something bad happens on the way home. We bicker, or fight, vehicle breaks down, ect. something bad always happens.

TMI alert. Vomit. Teeth bits.
And the night before last, I made Blackened Alligator. Nom nom nom. It is delicious by the way. I didn't get to enjoy it and only got to eat maybe 5 little pieces that I'd had while cooking. While taking a bite of a piece that blackened a bit much because I lost track, I felt "crunch" I thought it was the crispy outer layer of the gator. No. It was a piece of my cracked back molar, the opposite of the ones I had pulled last year. And I swallowed it. I Now have a pretty sizable piece missing from my tooth and we don't have extra funds. I don't want to pull it, I want to cap it, but we can't afford that at all. I ended up vomiting up what I'd eaten because OMG I swallowed a big piece of tooth, it's a sharp thing! What will it do in there?! I hate the ER! I hate Doctors! We don't have any money to pay if something goes wrong! Oh god, my tooth is going to rot and it will hurt and I have to go to the dentist and OMG I will have to get another pulled and soon I won't have any teeth! I'm only 26 I'm going to gum everything! My anxiety made me very ill and I made myself go throw up just to end it all. I hate vomiting. Yeah well, I didn't get the main hunk of tooth out apparently. That night I had a very harsh and discomforting pain right under my sternum. It hurt. A lot. The kind of pain you rock yourself trying to deal with it. If I were a normal person I would have wanted to go to the ER but I will avoid that place until I'm nearly dead, so I laid in bed in pain for quite a long time until I just couldn't keep disturbing Paul any longer and went in the living room. Where after watching Adult swim for a bit, then Ben 10, I involuntarily puked on the floor. I had no chance to make it to the bathroom. Cleaned it up. Still in pain but not as bad. I went to sleep on the couch.

I was given a link to free dental around here but I'm not sure how free it is, or what they mean by "free" one of those places requires you to actualy have held a job for the past two months and all kinds of shit and I'm not going to even get to try to figure out which one I could go to because my anxiety kicks in when trying to deal with it, like it always does when something is uncertain.
I woke up yesterday, walked around a bit, and suddenly had a feeling something bad was going to happen to Paul. I thought it would be an accident on his way home. Well, thankfully no. Paul's Boss just backed into his car and put a big dent into it. At least it was minor.
And last night I dreamed that my tooth shattered the rest of the way, the one next to it cracked and fell out and the one next to that one was some how fused like a puzzle piece to it and came out with it leaving me a nub in the form of the inner pulpi-ness inside teeth. There were also Rat Furries, and something about a really crappy apartment that was falling apart. Some girl I made friends with at school who was one of the rat furries, her little sibling, and her neglectful mother. I don't know.
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