Apr 13, 2006 21:55
Holy hell it's been awhile, but as I know, most of you have myspace so you've been keeping up with all the details of life, so i'm NOT going to get all back into it, life is good, there ya go!
so tonight, after eating way too much pizza with my husband, i got to thinking! ok, paul now works at the pentagon and has to be into work by 3AM, so he's up at 1am to shower and eat and blah blah. now, being the good wife that i am, today i've started to get up with him at 1am and make scrambeled eggs and coffee and be sweet so that he doesn't have to feel so alone. when he was working at 6:30 am and working at Bolling AFB he had to get up at 4am, and i'd get up, make him something to eat, make his lunch, and drive him to the metro station. I'm what you would call, HOUSE WIFE SUPERWOMAN!!! now, this is a role that i happen to LOVE and don't want to give it up, but alas my new job in the Criminal Justice field starts may 1st and i'll have to be a bit busier.
this brings me to what i was thinking about....
what the hell is my husband going to do when i'm working?!?! yes, this is the man who has lived alone since was 18, HOWEVER, he's become accustomed to a life where the laundry is always folded and put away, the dishes are always clean and available, and there's almost always something cooking for his tummy. lol, i'm just laughing at how shocking it will be for him to come home from work at noon and have no lunch waiting for him! lol.
today was a fantastic day, we mowed our first lawn :) ok, well paul mowed it, i cleaned up. he's mowed many a lawn, but never ours before. lol. it was kind of sweet.
yup, and i'm totally stuffed from too much pizza. i'm thinking i'm just going to stay up till 1am when paul gets up. i think, not sure yet, lol. i'm an old lady now, i'm usually in bed by now!