The song I'm listening to, I believe... is a title of a book about Witches... I sort of like that.. AFI must be a very literate band....The song titles usually echo such.. on a random note ;)
I think yesterday was a very darling day. I did everything I wanted to do, and adored every moment of it. Laura and I went to Central Park. We laid out in our bikinis reading on a scantly populated, grassy knoll. Storm clouds, seen below, spoiled our lethargic endeavors, but I must admit, in a breath-taking spectacle.
One moment it was a brilliantly lustrous day, the next, an ominous and sinister sky glared down at us. We, in a frenzy, gathered our things and rushed from the park. I laughed gleefully as I ran from the subway, my towel no longer a resting place, but a cloak to somewhat shield me from the rain as I trotted back to my apartment.
Later that night, Leonard and I met up at a quaint, pleasant little Cafe I used to frequent. As I'm sitting, here, the name taunts me from the memory of it, on a door, though the door stood ajar, and the letters of its name were reversed from my point of view. Camaje? Meh. Regardless. It's a favored place of mine, mainly for its bold and dark roasted Italian coffee, Creme Brulee, and plush couches angled towards the street. No wall separates the front part of the cafe from the street outside.
I was given a complimentary glass of champagne though on Leonard's urging. The waiter just simpered at us and almost gratefully brought us our orders. We weren't ushered out right at closing, another aspect of the cafe I love. They let us lounge on the couch for over an hour after they served their last patron. I think it was a much needed dialogue between Leonard and I, and the atmosphere left me content.
Laura later met up with us in front of the Cafe, we said our goodbyes to Leonard and sauntered towards Soho323 for Ashlea's 21st birthday. The place was ridiculous, Russian bouncers galore, and extremely pricey drinks. We danced most of the night and just enjoyed ourselves. The cover of 15 was somewhat daunting, and Laura and I almost didn't go into the overly glammed up bar, but one of the bouncers dropped the cover charge for us, so it wasn't too terrible. I realized, after being there for a few hours, why I seldom grace places like these with my presence ;) Too many boys groping and acting as if their existence should illicit your fancy and fawning. After an awkward proposal from one lecherous bloke (hehe, Matt inspired that), my friend Nicholas became my boyfriend for the night.
I had fun though, regardless. I needed to get out. I had a stats exam this past thursday, and after my old lady side manifested itself in an 1130 bed time that night.. I had to make a stand. I'm still in my youthful bloom! 21 isn't that old!
Haha. Matt Hunter has been here for the last four nights. He moves into his new apartment today in Brooklyn, but began work Thursday. He's been adorable company. I think we've gotten pretty close over the past few days. I've known him since Sophomore year of high school.. but we always hung out in groups, and he was closer to Mark and Priscilla than me or our other mutual friends. I also met his roommate Mike, who turned our to be the brother of my freshman year Spanish teacher's husband. What a silly little world we live in.
Matt Ironing - Ha ha!
In other, terrible news... the world remains
dim...and I remain lost.