02 [Training] Post Family Unit Virus (accidental video)

Nov 23, 2010 19:32

[Elektra is crotched low to the ground in a Grecian style room. She's holding a pair of weapons; blades carefully hidden in the crook of her arm. She traces the floor with her handles before she slowly rises up. Once she's up she flips the weapons making the blades visible. She turns around twirling them a few times in her hands before starting ( Read more... )

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[locked - video] gamma_effect November 25 2010, 00:40:08 UTC
[Any attempt at trying to go back to how they were before and reestablish an appropriate distance is overcome by obvious concern.

Bruce reigns that in, not sure what is appropriate still. He rarely knows. He just says quietly,] I've never thought you were weak.


[locked - video] namedfortragedy November 25 2010, 00:52:25 UTC
[She raises her head slowly. Composure was something that Elektra prided herself in.]

I'd say you don't really know me but, that's not exactly a problem now, is it?


[locked - video] gamma_effect November 25 2010, 00:58:09 UTC
No. The same is true for you.

[he sighs, running a hand through his hair briefly] I'm not good at letting go, [he admits.]


[locked - video] namedfortragedy November 25 2010, 01:05:12 UTC
[Elektra stares at the screen for a minute before answering.]

Of what exactly?


[locked - video] gamma_effect November 25 2010, 01:11:41 UTC
Of anything. And it's... [pause to figure out what to say]

I thought you were - Betty.


[locked - video] namedfortragedy November 25 2010, 01:19:50 UTC
[Elektra sighs.]

... And she's your important person. The one with all the good memories.


[locked - video] gamma_effect November 25 2010, 01:36:26 UTC
Yeah. The one that makes me keep trying. [And the look in his eyes might tell you exactly how important that is to him.]

I'm sorry. You shouldn't be in this position.


[locked - video] namedfortragedy November 25 2010, 01:43:13 UTC
[She sees that very clearly. Elektra shakes her head, giving him a stern look. If nothing else she wants him to get this.]

You didn't put me here. None of this is your fault.


[locked - video] gamma_effect November 25 2010, 01:47:17 UTC
It shouldn't have happened. [he avoids eye contact, though it's not completely obvious] It's not fair to you. I don't... let anyone get close to me that way for a reason.


[locked - video] namedfortragedy November 25 2010, 01:57:00 UTC
But it did and we have to deal with it. It'd be a lot easier if you didn't try to find ways to make yourself into the bad guy.

If anything, you're the victim here. You forgot your most important person.


[locked - video] gamma_effect November 25 2010, 02:05:29 UTC
[He hasn't been the most important person to himself in a very long time, but he's not about to admit that out loud.]

I'm not the only victim, [is all he says in protest, mild as ever.] How do you want to deal with it?


[locked - video] namedfortragedy November 25 2010, 02:25:44 UTC
You're right. Candy goes back to having that man as a father and Dexter ended up in prison. They didn't get off easy either.

[See how she's leaving herself out?]

... Honestly I haven't gotten that far yet. It's not like we can pretend it didn't happen. I mean you've been inside my house.


[locked - video] gamma_effect November 25 2010, 02:34:45 UTC
[Yeah that's conspicuous, but he'll let it slide.] Dexter said everyone forgot, so he's not in prison. But no, I don't think anyone got off easy.

Our secrets just about balance out. I can't pretend, [he agrees,] and I can't change that you know.


[locked - video] namedfortragedy November 25 2010, 02:50:47 UTC
... Good. Harrison still needs him. [And it's a relief to know that.]

Well at least neither of us can say we don't know what the other got themselves into. If someone here had to have intimate knowledge of my life at least it was you. It's not like you'd use it against me.


[locked - video] gamma_effect November 25 2010, 03:39:23 UTC
And I know better than anyone that prison wouldn't solve the problem anyway.

I'm... learning to trust. The people we ended up with were the best possible scenario. [and that's as close as he'll come to that]


[locked - video] namedfortragedy November 25 2010, 03:54:28 UTC
So he really does kill people. Interesting.

Then we agree on that at least.


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