Title: three now four
'Verse/characters: Swallow's Tail; Sascha, Petrovich
Prompt: 51B "defeat"
Word Count: 225
Notes: He's not gonna laugh at the expression on the Captain's face. Might get him kissed by the black, or just a black eye.
Prompted by a poll response.
They're runnin' four, not three anymore, and the Captain draws up a schedule for it, marks down hours and times for wake and sleep, who's got saddle duty and who needs to mind everything else.
Captain don't much like what's goin' on under his nose, so he gives one of 'em day, the other night, with himself and Sascha on twilights.
The kid's face crumples when he reads the list, whole body droops like he'd been doing when he thought he might get dumped Below.
Near hits the ceiling when Sascha rumbles "Take my twilight. I like night."
Lights up like a sun and goes to tell her.
That midnight when the Captain comes out of his hidey hole, ready to draw lines with her or to growl at the kid, tell him where the authority is on this ship, he freezes when he sees Sascha instead, sprawled at the kitchen table and sweeping a stone down the knife that needs it most.
Captain doesn't say a damn thing out loud. And he's not gonna laugh at the expression on the Captain's face--might get him dumped down on some Below, might get him kissed by the black, might just get him a black eye. He wouldn't mind the last, but it's hard to tell what way the Captain'll jump, comes down to the steel.