Title: social networking
'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Jared, Hernén
Prompt: 36C "Words"
Word Count: 297
Notes: "Words, words, nothing but words!"
Prompted by a poll response.
"Let me guess. Dad found a pretty girl, managed to talk her into bed, and now it turns out that she's the envoy from a potential ally and she took one look at Dad and said 'Uh-uh, not negotiating with him!'."
Hernén blinked. " . . That happens a lot?"
"You have no idea." Jared rolled his eyes, the statement clearly rhetoric and not a judgement. "I swear between him and Fintain they've covered every damn port we trade with and most of the families besides. Uncle Dón suggest me in Dad's place?"
" . . Do I actually need to be involved in this conversation?"
"Only about as much as Granddad does for this kind of thing. Okay, spiel first--in negotiating for you, I am doing so as a blood relation of a man who is most definitely not forming a court independent of the Crown, and not with any of the authority expressed or implied by my status as First of the Six."
" . . are you sure you're not an advocate?"
"Spend enough time around copyright lawyers and the language goes viral. I start using quote marks if I've been drinking." Ruadhan's eldest son grinned widely, a smile that wasn't his father's and certainly wasn't his uncle's but somehow managed to evoke the same sort of 'I am so glad you don't think I'm lunch' response from the back of Hernén's brain. "Having got the spiel out of the way--what would you like to get out of these negotiations, m'lord?"
Hernén allowed himself another blink, then started listing, interrupting himself to say yes, that was in order of priority, thank you, shut up and let me get a word in edgewise--which got a delighted grin and a pose of complete attention in response.