Title: in a darkened room
'Verse/characters: Witches' Horses; Vasilisa
Prompt: 40C "cynicism"
Word Count: 107
Notes: Zhenia and Ilyana are Vasilisa's older step-sisters; Zhenia was introduced in
choir in the wall. Prompted by a poll response.
"If Mom whacked the power supply just to get the kid out of the house--"
"Cynicism is unbecoming in one so young," said a voice from the darkness, they both jumped, and a needle-nose pliers flew out of Ilyana's hand and smacked into Zhenia's knuckles.
Zhenia cursed briefly, then cut herself off as their mother's footsteps came near her, tentative in the black.
"Ilyana, you may turn the lights back on now," their mother commanded.
There was a clicking noise, but nothing changed.
An emphatic clicking noise vibrated through the darkness, and Zhenia bit her grazed knuckle to keep from cursing again.
" . . Uh-oh," their mother murmured.