Title: humans totally come in 'ish'.
'Verse/characters: Alternate Earths; Yasha, Screen, Dutch, Aodh, Arianhrod
Prompt: 63A "photographs/snapshots"
Word Count: 2542
Notes: So the poll said 'Yes' to both the Sun Queen bit and this one. So hey. Have a double post.
This is after
switching houses, before
unexpected connections. Nidavelir,
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That's what Loki does. (See: His children)
The last time I did I'd had nightmares about talking skulls . . .
Bob? Is that you?
Or Morte?
He grinned at me, sharper than usual. "Want to see a neat trick?"
Look, Ma, no hands!
His grin widened, though his voice was solemn when he said "Arianhrod Sabaey. Arianhrod, Arianhrod."
And this is why Wish hides his name!
"Billions and billions of people NAGGING at me!"
Then he ducked fast as she tried to punch him in the head with the air in the room.
Bwahahahahaha! I'm fairly sure it was only part of it but the image of all the air in the room moving at once . . .
Tiny lightning curled between two of her earrings.
*giggles* I have this mental image of the power going out and her husband asking her to hold this power cord so the lamp he brought back will light up.
Arianhrod, now there was a name for a mage
There is NO ONE who is going to argue with you on that.
"That's--fascinating," Arianhrod said, staring at the door, and looked like she wanted to stick her hand through it as an experiment. I suddenly saw the family resemblance.
Arianhrod with doors.
. . .
The rest of the family will not thank you for that.
And wait till you meet his father!
He grinned wider. "Love you too," he repeated himself, only this time in sidhe.
Welcome to the family, kid!
There was some part of this that made me slam the door into my subconsicous and go "No! Not going there!" but I've apparently lost that thread of thought. Yay for selective amnesia!
Heh. Actually a reference to him accidentally popping into a battlefield. >.>
Arianhrod can't help but hear her name [when it's related to her], but she's gotten pretty good at ignoring the casual mentions and the like. She's wired to respond to family calling her name, though, and has been for a long, long time. It's a useful trick for a not very convenient brainwiring quirk.
*snerk* If he ever did he'd be asking for the lightning to come say hi to his so-annoying skin. :D
There is NO ONE who is going to argue with you on that.
*laaaughing* Even those who only know the name as Gwydion and Gilfaethwy's sister wouldn't argue with the designation, no.
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