Title: a long run
'Verse/characters: le Chevalier de Grammont; Sinclair, Grammont
Prompt: 89D "through the fire"
Word Count: 3937
Notes: an edge, an edge! (Ahem.) Chronologically last in the Chevalier de Grammont story; we next see Sinclair and Grammont in the novel Witches' Horses. Now I just need to chart a pattern back to the other edge
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:) Thank you. I knew he'd have to be working on her internal Colours on a regular basis, but I don't think I'd touched on it directly more than once or twice. (It doesn't hurt that I've used soldering set-ups and so have a rough idea of how they work. >.>)
It's kind of fun, playing with her vocal overlayering and how much her listeners catch: Ilya won't know for quite a while after meeting her that she's not human, for instance.
Yeah. That's a bigger hunter than they're accustomed to. >.>
I think the for-feeling translation goes roughly 'Oh, for fuck's sake'. I don't know how to pronounce it, though. >.> Swedish is SCARY.
Dude. Hand a military commander a witch's horse to work with? The world is his OYSTER. (Yeah. He wishes a little bit that she had a war room.)
Thanks--I was having trouble arranging the descriptive asides into a flowing narrative. Am not yet convinced I've got it down (especially if the need for certain descriptive elements is reduced due to having a longer narrative to work with), but that makes me feel good about it. :)
The region only has a couple Issues . . . >.> (Really, if I'm including Ukraine in the national/regional mix, I can't not touch on those Issues.)
Thank you.
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