Title: I-1, first third; the bone-witch
’Verse/characters: Wild Roses; various individuals from the Trickwood
coastal_physics and
klgaffney both requesting a proper telling of
black of night and white of bones.
Word Count: eleven thousand, three hundred and ten
Rating: all ages, presuming a pre-Victorian attitude to 'children's stories'.
Notes: This will
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A lot of the gestures were added in during editing; I'm glad they worked well.
The wolf was around before I realised I really wanted to be able to tie this into the larger structure, which meant that a slight addition--that one of her audience was also one of the other point-of-view cast--made that a lot easier.
A lot of published fantasy fiction, assuming they're using in-story stories at all, tend to have it very much . . hmmn. Several camps: flashback-style, worldbuilding-as-a-'story', and plot device. Sometimes combinations of those. All of which tend to pull me out of the narrative they're actually telling, sometimes to make bets with myself as to which one it is. Which was something to Avoid, in my own work, which made writing this that edge more difficult.
. . I, ah. Thank you, for the compliments. Very much.
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