May 18, 2004 10:00
i love the rain. It's been raining all morning, and all i have felt like doing is going outside, and jumping in the puddles. Instead i am at work, listening to a radio station i hate, because i can't get the one i want to listen too. The phone ring on this phone is horrible, and it is driving me insane.
Yesterday i had an interview for my "dream" job. It was a group interview. There were 8 of us in a tiny room trying to sell ourselfs without talking much. Apparently only sucessful applicants will be called if they get the job. This should happen tomorrow morning some time apparently.
I keep looking at my phone every 3 minutes just incase they call me today.
There was a fun guy in the interview yesterday. He was facinating. He was 35, but looked 22. He was just like the gay pool boy in legally blonde. He had worked in a fashion boutique for 10 years. he had a olive green shall on with pompoms.
i really want this job. I keep thinking in my head that i actually deserve this job, its about time i got a break. But i have convinced myself that i will not get the job, because i will be so dissapointed if i don't get it that i will cry if i don't get a call.
so, everyone, please keep fingers and toes crossed for me :)
i don't like using capital letters.