Love of A Destitute Father

May 12, 2016 20:56

I was listening to Demi Lovato's "For The Love Of A Daughter", and I just love it so much. Then I started wondering what the song might be like from the other spectrume. Or rather, a different point of view that might paint a different picture. So, I wrote these lyrics. It's a kind of 'Fanfiction', but only with lyrics. I'm not making any profit from this, and don't mean to offend or to take anything away from Ms. Lovato's song (because it's heartbreaking beautiful), and everyone should hear it. So, here are my fanlyrics.

Love of A Destitute Father

I’m just 19 years old,
the world on shoulders
too young.
Never been in a war,
but this house is
a battleground.
When I expect the best,
I’m called a selfish man.
Even my child calls me
a terrible father.

My heart is too hurt to
safely love again.
No use in fighting what
is ultimately hopeless.
so hopeless.

Oh daughter,
please daughter;
I can see how it hurts,
but I just can’t let you go.
Oh daughter,
please daughter;
throw the needle away,
if you still love
your father.

My silent hurt lasted five
long, miserable years.
Tried to be a family again,
but you threw it in my face.
I’m not trying to manipulate;
you just accuse,
and when I say, ‘I love you,’
it’s not a lie.

My heart is too hurt to
safely love again.
No use in fighting what
is ultimately hopeless.
so hopeless.

Oh daughter,
please daughter;
I can see how it hurts,
but I just can’t let you go.
Oh daughter,
please daughter;
throw the needle away,
if you still love
your father.

I remember as a baby how I
held you so close.
When you left, you took
my whole world.
I’ll use any lie to get
you to stay.
All the hateful words you said,
Oh, you forced my hand.
I can’t remember any good times,
baby girl.
How could you take yourself
out of my life?
So young to understand
we all make mistakes.

Now forever forced to
take all the blame.

Oh daughter,
please daughter;
I can see how it hurts,
but I just can’t let you go.
Oh daughter,
please daughter.

Oh daughter,
please daughter;
throw the needle away,
if you still love
your father.
If you ever loved
your father.

demi lovato, love of a destitute father, song lyrics, fanlyrics

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