well im back home friday didnt happen cus of my nan and my parents which kinda upset me but im so glad to be home again. i get to do what i want again thank god
the two weeks at my nans in derby was as boring as hell and depressing all i did was go to funerals and go to derby royal infirmary to see my uncle who is dying hes got like a couple of weeks left if that.he kinda looks like a skeliton with skin its freaky and his eyes are like so far back in his head arrgg and there was this weird bloke next to him in the bed were my grandad died who has had this stroke and hes like a hampster he eats his food but he keeps it in his cheeks cus he cant swallow its weird.
anyway enuf of that. im gonna try and make my journal look a bit nicer today cus i got a day off from looking for a stupid job. and then i gotta look for a college place too so i should have my hands full for a while.
bye for now anyway xXxXxXx