May 05, 2006 22:56

To Whom It May Concern:
This journal is friends only. This means that while I post frequently you cannot see anything that I write unless I put you on my friends list. Please Please PLEASE read my user info and interests before adding me to your friends list. If we do not share any interests there is no point, as you probably care as much about what I am reading as I do about who you are wearing. I will only friend people who comment on this post letting me know of their intent to friend me and their desire for me to friend them in return.

I warn you that I am boring and that most of my posts concern walking around Philadelphia by myself and my constantly thwarted attempts to get into Law School.

Also, while I do read Russian better than I speak it I do not read it all that well. If you post only in Russian I will rarely comment because between my "skill" and my dictionary it still takes me a fairly long period of time to read through long posts. However, if you still want to friend me I am all for it as the more Russian I force myself to read the better off I am in the long run.

Thanks in advance,
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