The Leafs stink!! rotten foliage...yeah that's it

Apr 19, 2004 20:13

hiyo! it's been awhile since I've updated and I can't use the excuse of "I haven't had anything interesting to write about" because I think we can all say that my previous entries have been somewhat sleep inducing....sob I really have carpal tunnel syndrome* yeah it's a shame I know, but don't worry guys I'll be fine.

Just got back from my weekend trip to Peterborough/Toronto with Bryanne. good times but it would have been better if you were there christine** really you were missed.

Highlights of the trip:
- having random truck drivers honk their horns...gosh that never gets tiring whether your 7 or 20
- bryanne washing my hair in a really gross tub and vice versa becasue we were too scared to go downstairs to have a shower while her roommates were awake.
- losing gracefully to mario party***...yet again when will my day of victory come?! sigh
- enjoying the hustle and bustle of downtown Toronto

Lowlights of the trip:
- realizing that I'm fashion retarded in comparison to the several self involved people walking down Queen least they were nice to take some time from talking on their cell phones to give me a snooty look....argh
- bryanne asking every five minutes if I'm mad at her because I'm not constantly talking...but it's been resolved so it's all good. for now

Hope all of you guys are doing okay...Laura and Liz you guys will do fine on your exams don't stress too much. Scotty I hope you feel better :) Christine I'll see you later on tonight to watch 'The Swan', another ridiculous reality show that when it comes up in discussion I will trash it amongst other new extreme reality tv series but secretly watch it. It won't be the same because there will be no cheese but I'll manage.

over and out ♥


* yeah right...I'm just downright lazy
** actually it would have been better if scotty was there because we all know who is the cooler one of the relationship...christine you're only cool by association. Deal with it.
*** I hope nobody actually believed that because anybody who knows me will truly know that I'm the biggest sore loser when it comes to any game, even Mario Party. You'd think that I would realize that this is a game that I'll never win...but nooooo I have to pout every time and grunt/growl under my breath constantly.
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