Mar 29, 2007 12:24

That's right! *nods*

Sweet crap looking for work is an assult on the brain!!
It doesnt help that I'm one unorganised MOFO.

Since I am nearing the end of my degree I need to do graduate recruitment applications.
*SCREAMS* I suck at marketing myself!!
I dont know what the fuck I'm doing and no-one is going to want to hire me! *beats head against wall*
I'm a nice guy and all, but how the hell am I supposed to just get that across to them?
I can do ok at interviews but I have NO life experience, and NOTHING exceptional about me to get my foot even that far in the door!
The worst part is that I have no passion.
I dont know why the hell I'm doing this, and I dont really know where I want to work, or why.
I mean like, at the moment I would kind of like to work at Westpac, because when I first got my ass over here they helped my set up a bank account without any problems, as opposed to ANZ who just plain sucked. On top of that they have their whole bullshit spiel about being the most socially responsible bank, or some crap. This kind of appeals to me, because of my living in NZ and all for 17 years (It's hard to live in such a nice country and not pick up a bit of "giving a shit" about the environment).
I just, I dunno, I dont know what I'm doing XD
And if I miss out on these things I've basically fucked myself and made Uni a waste of time.
So as usual I'm just going to do something, anything, and hope it works out.
It's difficult to live life without passion, it just sort of sucks that the only thing I ever gave half a damn about, which was chatting with all my friends, has essentially been removed from my life by the university and work crap I have to do.
You know what sucks about gaining an understanding of the finance system?
You realise just what utter shit it really is.
Because non of it is real.
We pay for everything with fake money that's just numbers on a screen.
What a crock.
And it controls our entire lives XD
I do enjoy finance a bit, I must considering I found this little sketch thing on the abc amusing and enlightened (It's part of a series called "The Human Machine" by some acclaimed comic or something *shrugs*) I just dont know what I'm doing with myself.
I dont even know if it matters.
It's all so damned pointless. XD
What? I should work at some mega-global-corporate fuck hole transferring money from A to B so that they can save money on tax so that their stockholders can go wank over the extra 3 cents they've just made..AND IT'S ALL JUST SPECULATION!! None of it's real, people just value it because of what they think will happen in the future, and so what do you know, it increases in value!
Ah well.
I'll just go work at a bank.
Give people loans they cant afford because they're too stupid to actually think about what they're doing.
And everyone has all these expectations of me.
I've always had someone in my life telling me what I should do.
I mean it's never been my parents, they would be happy for me to do whatever...I think..
It's always been teachers! XD
Oh no, you cant do accounting, you're too creative!
Oh you're really good at chemistry, you should do this!
You're too smart to work at the government, you should go work for these guys in London!
.....Why?! Why them? Because I'll make money??
Who gives a shit!!
It's just money!
As soon as you die no-one cares how much money you had unless they can glean off their share!
All that matters is the impression you left on the people in your life, and what you did to benifit the world around you.
But how am I supposed to help people with financial knowledge?
Crap, I dont even know if I've learnt anything XD
University is a sham nowadays!
4 "papers" in 4 months, then a test that you only have to get 50% in to pass and you're supposed to take something away from that?!
Let me into the goddamned industry so that I can actually learn something worthwhile!! LOL

I'm done whinging.
I'm just going to get a job, basically any job, and then spend as little time their as possible.
As long as I get to earn enough to support a family and then spend as much time with that family as possible I'll be happy.
It worked for my Dad XD

Sweet crap our cat has gone insane.
You know that scene from the aliens movie with the dot tracking the dot alone the air ducts or some shit?
It's like that.
*patterpatterpatter* as she runs along under the bed before pouncing out at...anything that moves XD

Love you all ^^
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