Jan 24, 2006 00:15
I'm deviating from my usual updates to make a comment on the results of the Canadian Election, the results of which were completed just moments before I began writing this post. Once again, this country is run by a minority government, and at it's head a party of backwater politicians who have difficulty separating church from state.
Yes folks, the polls are in, and although we have another minority government, the Conservatives have the lead.
Canada, I'm fucking disapointed in you. I'm also really fucking disappointed in all the people who didn't go out and vote today, I don't know how many people I know didn't bother going out to vote. You complain about how the country is being run, and you don't even go out and fucking vote. It's dispicable.
Youth Voter turn out is low, and it's this sort of apathy that causes this shit to happen. Do you want the old geratric baby-boomers deciding what ignorant church goer runs our country? How many times do you have to sit through and see cuts in education, jobs, and health care before you get off your ass and vote?
You know why the youth don't have a voice in politics? Because we don't go out there and vote! It's you, and all the fucking reactionaries who saw the current political scandal to vote for possibly one of the most dispicable Prime Ministeral candidates since Brian Mullruney!
Everyone jumped ship and voted for the Conservatives because the Liberals were involved in a scandal? Were any of you fucking people paying attention to politics in the 80s? Anyone forget about the Airbus scandal that happened to the Conservative Party back then?
Sweet jesus christ, no, you complain about all the politicians being shysters and crooks, and yet you vote for the worst of them all because the party leader can say Scandal over and over again with his robotic expression and dry-look haircut. Why not a third party then? Why not the NDP? Why not the Green Party?
You're sick of the Liberals and Conservatives? You should have went out there and voted for a third party!
Well Canada I hope you're happy now, you just voted in a guy who wants the corporations to get richer, and the people getting poorer. Your supporting a guy who's party wants to take away a womans right to choose to have an abortion! You voted for a guy who wants to privatize health care! You've voted for a man who wants to take away the rights of same-sex couples! You've voted for a man who'd see Canadians go off and fight along side the American's in their insane wars for oil and money!
This isn't a step forward for our country, it's a step back.
Wait and see, things are not going to get better, at best we're going to have another election, at worse the Conservatives will really fuck things up. Has anyone been paying attention to what's been going on south of the 54-40 the past almost-eight years? You see the type of fucking mess a conservative government who cares more about making a buck than taking care of it's own will do?
I hope you are all real fucking happy.
For every person who voted Conservative, I actually hope all these freedoms and rights that we have get tromped on by the Conversative party, so you can all feel REAL great about yourselves. As far as I'm concerned, if Canada is going to vote for a shit party, you are all going to get what you rightfuly deserve. I hope the price for being reactionary and rushing to one side of the political ladder without looking at the whole picture, or sitting at home apathetically not caring about our democratic system is a big one, maybe next time around you people will learn to be more intelligent when it comes to voting, instead of giving into all the hystaria and using THAT as a basis for going (or not going) to the polls, but instead look at the party platforms and vote for a party that supports your values.