I've lost count how many times LJ has gone through major crisis and yet, it's still here. However, given that LJ just fired 12 of its 28 U.S. employees (sans severance pay either), this time it might be for real.
http://valleywag.gawker.com/5124184/the-russian-bear-slashes-a-social-network Liz_marcs has a series of posts on hos to back up your files:
http://liz-marcs.livejournal.com/413098.html?style=mine I usually run through my postings every year on my birthday and save the ones that seem relevant. I don't post much personal stuff on line so much of what I keep is for my art/history archives. However, better be safe than sorry as somebody's grandmother must have said. I hope LJ is not going away. IJ has not been very successful for me; there are a lot less people out there and the people that I read are the same people that I read over here. But I've been on the Internet long enough to know that nothing is permanent. I've seen so many changes from the early pay-for-access systems like Prodigy and Delphi and AOL, many many different variations of Internet mailing lists and enough kerfuffles to last several lifetimes. I like LJ; I like the quirky format and the fun posts and the people that I've met but I'm also hoping that it's too soon to write the obituary.
I appreciated
stewardess common sense approach here:
Having gone through a number of IT meltdowns, I don't think the layoffs necessarily indicate anything significant about LJ's future (by LJ, I mean the USA bit of it, not SUP as a whole). As a cost-saving move, it's not unusual for companies to lay off employees for six months and then hire them back. Disgusting and hideous, yes, but not unusual.
What I find interesting is SUP's constant trumpeting of this sort of thing: "LiveJournal Inc.'s headquarters, technical operations (and servers,) legal, administration, and customer service teams will remain in the United States." Apparently SUP is very aware it needs a US "footprint" or American LJ customers will leave in droves. While LJ/Six Apart had many a spectacular fuckup, nothing beefed up IJ's membership more than the announcement of SUP's purchase.
Personally, I find the distrust of SUP out of proportion, and more than a little chauvinist. SUP is vile, yes, but no more vile than the average American company. Consider AT&T's role in Central America, for instance. Gah.