
Nov 19, 2004 10:32

I've been invited to sing at a yoga studio in Chicago this weekend with my friends. We are together the Bingi Bajan crew. (something like a spiritual mix of jamaican, indian and our western selves) I'm excited to participate with my friends, but also a little nervous about the ride up. A couple of days ago I dreamt I died heading north from Bloomington in a red convertible with my friend Robyn. Turns out the two cars going to chicago are my friend Danny's convertable and my other friend with the same name Robin is driving his mom's car. In truth, if I were really that nervous, I wouldn't go. If it's my time to die, it's my time to die. I think the dream was probably a metaphor for the nervousness that Robyn and I both have about dying, espeically in cars. They are very dangerous machines. So, whether today is my last day or not, I think it's incredibly important to remember how blessed we are with EVERY single moment of our lives. It's not about what we may get, where we may go, who may love us, but where we are in this instant, how we love everyone we meet, and what's right in front of us. We are all connected to every shred of the universe. May you be blessed this day.
All My Love,
or Katie, as you may know me.
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