October 11, 2010

Oct 11, 2010 11:57

I am writing from at least 10,000 feet above ground...and all I can see if a giant WING! I wonder if that is what happens in our life sometimes- that we can't see anything because there is something there blocking our view. Whether is is sin, selfishness, or laziness, sometimes we just can't see the beautiful view because of whatever it is that is blocking the way.
I think that is what is happening right now with Kara and I. We are struggling to see what God has in store for our life and to see what He plans for us next. We moved to Oregon to find out child, and for Kara to feel fulfilled with her job and community, and neither is working out just how we thought it would. We are hopeful on both accounts, but just praying for more patience.
I don't know how to proceed in this situation because I don't want to make a move without God's guidance, but I also know that I have to be proactive and use the wisdom God has given me... so, I just feel kinda stuck and am praying for God to speak to us... Tell us what He wills for our life..
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