oh, my.
This working stuff....after a few months of utter bumdom, which I've never done before, working five days a week feels rather...intense.
Good though, working makes me feel right.
I've been pretty tired, not just from getting up at A.M. timeslots but also because this cafe happens to be the third busiest in Canada. It even has a drive-thru...which sucks because the amount of multi tasking Starbucks requires its employees to do for drive-thru is a brain melter.
Despite feeling TIRED, I do kind of like it, the store manager is very nice and respectful. Most of the shift supervisors are great. Everyone makes a point to let me know that they appreciate my work...it makes me feel a little embarrassed for them...what kind of people are they used to working with?
We always seem to be horribly understaffed, which makes the fast pace even harder without an extra person to restock your supplies and keep the coffee in its proper brew time. I could see myself doing it part time in the future, hopefully when the clinic picks up enough to be full time.
Though Starbucks strikes me as a decent company to work for, I can't see myself making a career out of it. Store managers and District managers make great cash, but corporate positions have never felt very appealing to me. I'm not sure if this opinion could change in a few months but right now I still prefer to work with medical professionals.
I hope all is well for you folks in LJ land, I'm off to practice my highland dance!
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