I feel like I'm going to throw up.
not in a gross, flu kind of way....its that nervous, excited anticipation.
I had sent out some heartfelt emails to some connections that I had made from Pure. I heard back from one guy, who very kindly gave me a few leads on employment. I sent emails, cover letters (!) and resumes out....
As for the other person that I sent an email to...I really thought she would get back to me, I feel one of the kindred spirit kind of feelings from her. but I heard nothing, but I may have had her email wrong, I was going from memory after all.
I was kind of mulling over whether or not to just send in an application from their website...they didn't appear to be hiring for an entry level position...so, I sent a less familiar, but no less heartfelt version of that email in an inquiry message to that company (let's call them NC) via their website.
Then a most lovely and thoughtful friend tuned me into a cool local company that was hiring, so I checked them out, liked what I saw and applied.
yesterday I got an email back from NC requesting my resume and asking if we could speak next week! HOLY FUCKING SHIT BATMAN!
Really? Really. Really!
This afternoon, I got an email from that cool company that my friend referred. they want to have an interview on Thursday. I. am. stoked.
but, but, but, what about NC? ultimately, I felt that they were my "dream" company to work for...I wouldnt start out in the perfect position necessarily, but I would work for an amazing company in the health and nutrition field. the other job sounds great, it is related to my interests-but with the idea that I could work for NC?
*sigh* its no contest.
I emailed NC, and summarized my dilemma slightly, and asked if we could speak sooner, so I didn't have to ask the other company to wait on me making a decision.
I don't know if it was the best choice to do that, but it felt honest. I hope they get back to me tomorrow.
right now though, I'm vibrating. so many what ifs.
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