Thanks to the magic of social networking (aka THE FACEBOOK) I have tried my hand at on-line fundraising!! I posted a message in my status telling my friends I was looking for sponsers, and I'm now half way to my goal!! :)
Next week I hope to collect donations from co-workers when I show up with Eva-red hair. It's an easy way for me to aquire donations without openly soliciting (We're not allowed to do that at work)
I figure that everyone will be :O ! about my hair, and ask questions. Then if they are intrigued and want to sponser I can talk to them after work or on lunch breaks. The red hair is a great way for me to raise funds and awareness without being pushy. I'm going to use Feria True Red on my hair then apply a demi-permanent glaze over top for extra REDness
I don't have a picture of the other colour but it's BRIGHT!! Too bad I'm scared to lighten my hair, it would go so red.