Sep 20, 2009 20:07
I'm watching the Emmys, and I'm feeling old. I haven't heard of, let alone watched, a lot of the shows nominated. I've never heard of a lot of the actors & actresses nominated. I LOVED Neil Patrick Harris' opening number! He's a pretty good singer, he's funny, and he's a great host. All this, and we're only just over an hour into the show!
But the worst, so far, has to be the animated sequence that was shown a little while ago. I've never seen the characters before, but since "The Family Guy" was mentioned by one of the characters, I can only assume that the characters are from that show. Yes, that's one of the shows I've never watched, and after this horrible little piece of crap, I have absolutely no intention of ever wasting my time watching it. The piece showed a talking dog getting out of the shower, and this little boy came in with a glass of something in his hand. There was some conversation, and the little boy smashed the glass into the dog's eyes and they started bleeding. Then the boy proceeded to beat the shit out of the dog, including ripping a towel bar off the wall and using it to beat the dog some more. And there was more blood shown. It's not the blood that bothered me, it just added to the sickness I felt watching a little boy beat the shit out of a dog. How could this be considered even remotely funny? It made me sick! Literally! I'm finding it hard to keep from crying as I type this. The audience clapped afterwards, but there didn't seem to be a lot of laughter, so maybe I'm not the only one who didn't find it funny. I'm just shocked and sickened that anyone would think that was funny. It will probably show up on YouTube tomorrow and get lots of hits. Maybe I'm becoming a prude as I get older.
It's taken me long enough to actually compose this that the show is about half over now. One of the highlights so far is that Sir Ian McKellan was nominated. He didn't win, but Brendan Gleeson did. Top Chef didn't win in either the Reality Show or Reality Host categories, though, but I loved the clip they showed of Fabio talking about his broken finger. (I REALLY wanted him to win last season!)
I'm off to watch the rest of the show. Hopefully before it's over there will have been some shows and actors that I actually am familiar with!