Fic writing meme

Sep 28, 2009 21:44

Stolen from hazel_eyes_86.

01. Do you read or write fanfiction?
Both - if I didn't, why would I be filling this out?

02. When did you first start reading/writing fanfiction?
Reading - 2007, I think, since that's when I began becoming obsessed enough with XF to do so. And oddly, I'm pretty sure I started writing a few months before I started reading, since I got an idea for a specific story.

03. What was your first fandom?
Fic-related? The X-Files. In general? Probably Alias.

04. First ship?
MSR, bien sur, if we're going with the fic thing. Otherwise, probably Sydney/Vaughn.

05. What website do you use most?
For reading and posting, LJ.

06. What do you think of
It's even harder to find the good stuff there than it is at Gossamer. Seriously - one "story" I saw posted at for In Plain Sight a few weeks ago was so horrible it made Erin Blair look like Charles Dickens.

07. What fandoms have you written in?
X-Files, Doctor Who, In Plain Sight, Life, and a little bit of crossover action with BtVS and Alias.

08. Pairings?
Mulder/Scully, Mary/Marshall, Crews/Reese, Sydney/Vaughn.

09. Any fandoms you would like to write in?
I'd love to do more Whedonverse stuff, though it intimidates me slightly. I actually do have a Firefly story in the works.

10. Do reviews affect how you write in any way?
Sometimes a reviewer will make a really good point that I remember in the future. Also, they might ask for a sequel, which does affect my writing in that I might then consider writing one!

11. Do you use a beta?

12. What ratings do you read/write?
I mostly don't read past R, but that's not a hard-and-fast rule. I haven't ever written anything past PG-13, I don't think.

13. What warnings have you used on your fiction/read?
AU, crack!fic for my fiction - for what I read, I'll read almost anything except what I mention in #21 below.

14. Have you ever stolen something from another person's work?
NO! I try my best to not even let good ideas from other fic creep into mine by accident. (Please let me know if you ever read my fic and notice this.)

15. Favorite fandom to write/read?
Still probably XF, although I do dearly love IPS and Life.

16. Favorite pairing?
There can be only one: MSR.

17. Favorite writer/writers?
Anjou, Aloysia Virgata, Amal Nahurriyeh, Innisfree, jesse, and many others!

18. How long should a chapter be?
Longer than a page in a word-processing program, but other than that, I don't care too much.

19. Do you write/read drabbles?
I think my shortest fics would be considered vignettes. I generally prefer longer fic, but I will read anything that looks good.

20. Pairings you avoid?
Heh. Quite honestly, anything aside from my OTPs, or other canon pairings on a show. I'm picky like that.

21. Warnings you avoid?
Character death, pre-series (for the most part), kidfic (for the most part), slash, PWP, and rape (unless there are VERY strong recommendations for the story)

22. Do the number of reviews tell how good a story is?
Not necessarily, but as a writer I appreciate it when I get more than a few! :)

Your Own Fic Fanfiction Meme

01. Which is your favorite of all your fics?
Hmm... right now, I think it might be my xf_bigbang fic. But I also am fond of "Intermission."

02. Which is your best-received fic?
Ummm, upon quick review, I think it's "Diers Anonymous."

03. Which is your worst-received fic?
Probably one of my earliest, like "To Sleep, Perchance to Dream." And deservedly so - it wasn't that great.

04. Which is your angsty-est fic?
Published? Probably "On Dark Roads."

05. Which is your funniest fic?
Probably "Diers Anonymous" or "A Wolf at the Door."

06. Smuttiest?
I don't really write smut. But I guess my xf_bigbang fic is the most "explicit" (note the quote marks) I've ever written.

07. Fluffiest?
Either "All Is Bright" or "Twenty-One to Forever."

08. Have you ever made someone cry with a fic?
I'm not sure. Maybe? Anyone? Bueller?

09. Which fic frustrates you the most?
Currently? "The Confusion and the Aftermath," which is a very long WIP that I haven't shown anyone on my F-list. So you'll have to take my word on it. ;)

10. Which fic was the most fun to write?
"A Wolf at the Door," I'm pretty sure. It was a blast, although so was "The Way You Are."

11. Who is your favorite OC you've ever created?
Maybe the Moderator from "Diers Anonymous." I don't have a lot of deeply-characterized OCs.

12. Are you better at oneshot or multipart?
Really don't know! I like 'em both.

13. What character do you think you're the best at portraying?
Eeek, I don't know... I love writing both Mulder and Scully, and I think I do decently at them both.

14. What character is the most difficult to portray?
I don't think anyone has given me a lot more trouble than anyone else - which isn't to say it all comes really easily, but I can't think of one character who was extra difficult.

fic, writing, meme

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