(no subject)

Nov 19, 2007 18:48


They are not my advisory class but one of the sections I handle in all subjects I teach.
According to the grade 5 teachers they are the worst sections and students they ever had knowing in a first place, they are the lowest sections.  I said "No!" they are just the same with other children sometimes naughty, full of jerks and noisy but who doesn't need attention anyway. All they need are attention, understanding, love and care. One thing I found out is no matter how you scold them everyday or every minute,  children knew if you love them and if you do they will love you back. Im glad because they are one of my students, they are very sweet, loving and hilarious children. I love them because they always make my days bright, they are invading my friendster account and I always receive letters from them  telling me how grateful they are for having me as their teachers.  I don't care if they are the lowest or naughtiest they are precious to me and I really treasure them.

out of nothingness, the heart never forgets, my first day at mca montessori, random stories, colloquy

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