I don't want to ruin your friends page so I'll make a cut.
-So I watched 8UPPERS the movie alkjsaklsdfjsddfsflskjfhsfdserrsfdlkfjshgdf!!!
Ohkura i'll be watching you from now on.Kukukukukukkuku!!!!
I'll discover many things about you.
I'll become your shadow.
You will be my fourth favourite Japanese bishie.First is Nari,second is Tackey,third is Kenichi.
So you better watch out!!!!
-A staff from Public stores called me today to tell me that Skip Beat volumes 2-5 will arrive in three weeks.*so excited*
Although I don't know if I can buy 4 volumes.Where will I hide them?
-Orange Caramel are back!Yay!!!!!!!!!The mini album is
Seriously the songs are great.I really hope they promote One Love after Aing.I couldn't stop listening to Aing today!It's so damn cute!
-Day 02:Your least favourite song
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Rain is so cute in the mv.BUT!The song...I liked it but watching Rainy Day and listening to it all the time I just got sick of it.Also he sings this song in weddings so another reason not to like it anymore.
-I found a kpop meme in tumblr which is interesting and funny.
Choose twelve k-pop idols and answer the following questions.
1) Have you ever read a six/eleven fanfic before?
Chansung+Se7en?I don't think a fanfic like that exist.
2) Do you think four is hot? How hot?
3) What would happen if twelve and eight started going out?
Hmm lesbo.I ship it.Hot chicks together.Want a threesome?
4) Do you recall any fics about nine?
Lizzy debuted early and I don't think there are many fanfics with her.
5) Would two and six make a good couple?
NO.2 and 11 would.XD
6) Five/Nine or five/ten?
Hmmm GD/Lizzy would be cute but awkward.GD/Dambi would be sexy~~
7) What would happen if seven walked in on two and eight kissing?
What will happen if Seugho sees Rain and Narsha kissing?He would scream "Hyung!What are you doing to Narsha-noona?She is mine!"*punch*
8) Make up a summary of a three/ten fanfic.
Hyori/Dambi.Lesbo.I like it.
Hyori is pissed because Dambi said that she is a better singer.
Dambi secretly loves Hyori but she doesn't know how to confess.So she said those words because she knew that unni will be pissed.
Hyori walks in Dambi's apartment and she screams to her "You think you are better?Huh?"
Dambi cries and says "Unni I hate you!"
Hyori replies "So you love me.I knew it!!!"
9) Is there any thing as one/eight fluff?
Kahi/Narsha.Definitely.Another lesbo.This meme is scary XD.
10) Suggest a title for a seven/twelve hurt/comfort fic?
Seungho/Hyomin."Fuck you!Give me Joon!"
11) Does anyone on your friends list have the same name as three?
Hyori?They'd wish.
12) Does anyone on your friends list draw or write eleven?
Not really.
13) Have you ever read any two/four/five?
Rain/GD/TOP.GD-TOP yes.But Rain goes with Joon everytime.
14) What might ten scream at a great moment of passion?
"Yes!Gimme that!"
15) If you wrote a songfic about eight, what song would you use?
Come closer by BEG.
16) If you wrote a one/six/twelve fic, what would the warning be?
Rated smut.Threesome.Kahi and Chansung will be dating.Hyomin wants Kahi so she tries to show her that a woman is always better.
17) What would be a good pick up line for ten to use on two?
"So can you be my Ninja?"
18) 1 and 8 are in a happy relationship until 5 runs off with 9. After 8 dumps 1 for 12, 6 gets upset and retaliates by dating 12. Alone and broken-hearted, 1 travels in search of a friend. Finally, 1 meets 4 and 7. The three loners meet 10, who tells each of them to look for love. 4 finds 3, 7 gets 11, and 1 finds fellow loner 2 and both of them fall in love!
Kahi and Narsha are in a happy relationship until GD runs off with Lizzy. After Narsha dumps Kahi for Hyomin, Chansung gets upset and retaliates by dating Hyomin. Alone and broken-hearted, Kahi travels in search of a friend. Finally, Kahi meets TOP and Seungho. The three loners meet Dambi, who tells each of them to look for love. TOP finds Hyori, Seungho gets Se7en, and Kahi finds fellow loner Rain and both of them fall in love!
This is hilarious!So basically Kahi goes straight but Narsha stays lesbian and Seungho turns gay.TOP/Hyori and Kahi/Rain are H.O.T
19) What would be a good title for this?
Straight and gay journey
20) What would the genre(s) be?