Heyhey, I haven't updated for a while, because I've been too busy to write to internet... ±_±
'm too tired to write anything at teh moment too [yeah and I want to watch kamikaze girls a little !! *ω* ] And ermm.. I'm not dead. !! :D ^____________________^
Haha, okay, a little talk too :D
* I discovered that my shoe is broken O_O No I didn't break it.. Yapp at least it was a 10 euro shoe.. I have another one too! Still 3 kind of the same shoes left. 8D
* School's over and it has been fun. We had a class trip to Prangli island wich was quite awful since we did nothing and got all wet!! It was raining like mad and it was so cold although the weather woman said it was going to be 30 degrees (?? My memory suxx..) [29.05] Later pics of the wet Kätlin Lill.. (I don't have the pics noww)
Haha, and yes pics of Dana's birthday, featuring the lovely drunken Brits that fool around Tallinn..:
Haha, LOL.
hii it's late.. I won't get my VIIKKORAHA if I don't shut this comp. in 5 minutes!!! >SSSSS