Nov 18, 2005 02:33
Friends Post. (Purposely jumbled up order)
Much love to you all.
My dearest sister. It would be good to hang out with you more often, here there or anywhere. Things are finally feeling some-what normal again and I'd like to take advantage of the current calming of the social calamities that seem to arise every so oft by catching up with you. Sorry I could not make it to the movie showing, I am... as you are watching it... at work. Miss'y much luv, you will have to tell me how the movie was later.
Didn't know if you wanted your name posted... so.. SN's ftw. Nothing was more depressing, about going back to Starsider than the empty hole that you, Nyc, and some others left with your absence. You were the cause for some of my most enjoyed RP and fun in that game, and became a good friend in and out of it. I miss playing with you, and wish there was some way to do so again. Been sorely tempted to drop by your WoW server (If I could remember the name) for my RP fix. You set a standard in the community for me.
Omgz, come hang out more hun. ^_~ I need more hugs. Had a blast at the Halloween party, we need more excuses to hang out- (Not that we really need them.) As usual your deviant page never ceases to amaze me, your talent in the arts progress daily. <3
The invitation has been given, come the hell over bro. =P If you want to, just call, its fairly simple. Looking forward to this weekend, should be a great faire. If you can't come over in person then at least call me up so we can cause some Chaos online. Miss ya.
As I said once before, you are one of the few people I have remained steadily in contact with. You always make me smile, and I often wish to see you again. I owe you a huge rat hug (And oddly enough, a pattern for a human ear). Sorry I could not make it to the movies with you guys... I am stuck up here at work, even as I write this thinking about all of you. Much luv'.
Day by day, you slip further away. Such is to be expected I suppose, living so far away now and all. Makes me often wish I had been more social when you guys lived out here, as now... with you gone all is quiet once more. I miss hanging out, and I miss the random visits. Hope to see you at Faire this weekend, as it will be good to hang out with you again... Be good to spin with you again too. =P I worry for you and Luli, though I know its not my place to do so.. I hope the two of you come to an understanding and open up more avenues of communication. (Nosey bastard, eh?)
Easily one of the most faultless, inspiring writers I have had the fortune to meet in my escapades across the wide web. A sweetheart to boot, and devilishly beautiful. Now, if only she would say hi occasionally. ^_~ Life is busy, and a glance at your journal tells me yours surely is... but you are missed all the same. I appologise for my absence, as I too became assaulted by life's little amusements.
My little Malice. ^_^ Haven't caught you on AIM in a while, been wanting to chat with you, see how things are. I had better see you this weekend though, o-ringleader of the scary fairies. =P You have a way of cheering me up, and I could use some of that this weekend. Much love.
She loves me, she 'loves me not'. Pshh. Never a call, an e-mail, an alo on IM's.. somebody hates me. ^_~ I have to steal my hugs ruthlessly at cons where she is trapped at a booth and cannot run away. =P Somebody hates me.
(Miss ya hun, we still need to game some time.)
I keep forgetting you live like a few miles from me... I really need your number so that I might pester you some time, maybe go out and do something. No idea if you have a journal or not, but hey... I'll see you this weekend so I'll grab it from you there. Good luck fending off the Scott'ites this weekend. =P
Dearest, dearest Becky. I owe you an appology. You sent me an e-mail, and I have yet to answer... a mortal sin to be sure. Every e-mail you send me brightens my life and I cannot stress how much I appreciate them, and I cannot ask for enough forgiveness in my slow reply. I always promise people that I will return their e-mails immediately, and again sorry for not doing so.
As it seems meeting you outside of conventions, or faire... leads to you either getting lost or getting your car towed.. I will have to simply make due with only getting to hang out with you at faire. As this is last weekend, expect to be pestered. <3
It seemed I was getting to know you again, then came the silence. Let us break again the peircing nothingness and once more be vocal. (Fanceh way of saying, "Call me bitch" =D Fernando says hi.) I'd love to see you up at faire, though I understand why you don't like it up there. I'll call you soon.
Gah... not the slightest glimpse of you since A-kon near two years past, I am heartbroken. Due to your work in the floral industry, my mind has the tendancy to pull you up every time I glimpse a flower. And a thousand flowers I would trade, for a glimpse of you. ^_~ Miss hanging out with you hun- been years, literally.
It always makes me smile to hear that you are doing well. You have grown so much since I last really knew you, you are hardly the same person at all. Mecha-Briaer! Seriously though, I am glad things are working out in life for you, and I pray they continue to do so. I will find you at faire this weekend, and you shall be tickled, mark my words.
Nichole-One'd almost think you were avoiding me. I miss chatting with you, wish I still could.
Can't wait for you to get home... its just so damn quiet when you are gone, I don't know what to do. Good luck on your ship, mate.. and come home safely.
You have grown into a close friend of late... and I enjoy corrupting you with vile Vid-e-o-games. Faire should be fun this weekend, glad you will be making the trip up with us. I worry for you and James, though I know its not my place to do so.. I hope the two of you come to an understanding and open up more avenues of communication. (Copy paste ftw!) Cheer up hun, you are too young to worry so much! =P
Crazy nutter. If not for your occasional posts, I'd not know you were even still alive. You are missed, and the un-answered Kirby challenge still hangs in the air. Glad things go well for you down in Huntsville, try not to end up in prison! =D
Well, I never really got to hang out with you much, even back in the old days of Quest... not I never-the-less always considered you a friend and someone trustworthy. I suppose you just have that natural aura about you. It wasn't until I started to attempt to write something to/about you that I realized just how little I knew you, and was suprised at it. I find it sad that so far apart as lives we have, we probably will never be anymore than internet friends.. but I am still greatful to know you, as little as I do.
I lost... your damned.... number... again.
!@#$#@$#$%^%&%#$@#! <3 You are the most patient person I have ever known. =P
Where did you go? Frogs and fish? <3 ;_;
Its been fun working with you, in and out of the cons over the past many years. I know most of our run ins tend to be somewhat business or con related, but it is still fun to hang out with you and chat. Sometimes I worry though, that Oni-con is going to make your head randomly explode.
Been ages hun, I hope to see you this weekend. I miss the hours of random conversation and sillyness we used to be rather prone to. You were often there with a word of kindness even in my worst times, and I miss you muchly. Been meaning to call/e-mail you .... but I cannot find the e-mail you sent me for the life of me, so if you could send me another so I can get back to you, that would be awesome.
There are many more who should be on this list... but I just quickly skimmed my friends folder for people who have recently posted. If your name was not on the list... then reply and I will happily add it. Time constraints were involved too. so sorry if I rushed anyones blurb. =P Did this at work.
Love you all.