Okay, I am fully aware that this post-
1. Is only going to make sense to about 2% of the population.
2. Marks me openly as a huge nerd/geek/wtf ever.
Let me give you a brief summery. I am a gamer. I play games. I even
play online games. You know, those dread things with monthly fee's that
most people hate and/or cannot fathom? Yeah those. Well... one such
game I have been playing for almost three years now, SWG (Star Wars
Galaxies). Now, after three years of dedicated subscriptions... and
payments- they have fucked me. They recently changed the entire game
system, and ruined many things... the "Combat Upgrade". Well,
this angered many people... myself included... but I went back to play
it again anyways, and while it lacked its former glory... it was still
Not days after releasing a new and very expensive expansion (Which
thankfully we didn't get yet) they announced they were making changes
again. -Infact- they are deleting half of the game. They are dropping
eighteen classes down to nine, making jedi a main class, removing
crafting (Mind you this game won awards for its crafting systems) and
get this... making about 60% of its previous expansions null and void.
Infact... out of the nine characters I have... only one will still
exist after the change. The rest of them? They get thier classes
Isn't that illigal? I mean... selling a product and then announcing two
days later that no longer is supported, and will be removed? They are
not offering refunds either.
Thank you fucking Sony Online Entertainment... SOE.. Every game they
get thier hands on, they drive into the ground face first. Even if you
don't like online games, you can at least appretiate that the origonal
game, before all of these changes... was ground breaking and changed
the genere as a whole. It moved gaming forward... only to have them
hamstring it repeatedly. It just sucks, to spend three years working on
a project... and then to have someone else piss all over it. They think
they are going to make more money by making Jedi the main feature of
the game, to quiet whiners... but those whiney 'd00d' jedi kids are not
the people who will stick around... they are not the people who already
spent three years supporting the game. From a marketing standpoint... I
am at a loss, it makes no sense. Maybe George Lucas finnaly got into
the game rights, because he is the only person I know of who makes as
bad decisions as the ones that were made here.
I got bored and made a picture. After posting it in the SOE forums, I
got banned... but whatever. Sorry if it doesn't make much sense...
you'd kinda have to know a good deal about the game and its history for
it to, but I thought I'd post it anyways.
The messages in the image are all based on actual posts by the development team, in the forums. I of course reworded them to give them a more military feel, but anyways...
Threads speaking against these changes were destroyed and people were banned... the forums were even shut down for a while to quiet people.
They warned everyone that gathering in game to protest was a bannable persuit, no large gatherings of people are allowed. All of the non jedi melee proffesions are being removed from the game, -completely-.. so half of the items in the game will now be useless.
Crafters are fucked.. Jedi will be 80% of the population.. Jedi have natural armor, and make thier own weapons.. They don't need hardly anything any of the crafters make except maybe skill enhancing food.. thus the Chef joke. Items no longer decay either, so the market will saturate and put everyone out of business.
And entertainers were made usless last patch... so it would be hard to do much more to ruin them.