More mops and buckets

Aug 11, 2012 14:38

Hey Ya'll,

I feel like I've been neglecting the world, but it's just too hot to go outside and find internet. Good news, I'm going to visit my parents soon and they have internet, so I will be able to be on more then. Then I'm going to Washington D.C.! I am so excited to see the museums and of course to see my fabulous Aunt Nyree! I miss spending my summers with her.

So good news: I braved the heat to check up on everyone and hopefully stop slacking in my minigames duties.
Bad news: It's still another week before I consistently have internet.
Good news: I will have internet soon!

life: float away in dreamland, life: riannon is a dork, life: sunshine is great but i miss rain, life: family

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