// series one - yourself
---> Name: Aww, we all know this one.
---> Birthdate: I was born in 1980, which probably makes me older'n you. :D
---> Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
---> Current Location: Sano, Tochigi, Japan
---> Eye Color: hazel
---> Hair Color: light brown
---> Righty or Lefty: Right
---> Zodiac Sign: Deductible from question 2.
---> Innie or Outtie: Innie.
// series two - describe
---> Your heritage: Mostly Nordic
---> The shoes you wore today: none yet
---> Your hair: 75% shorter than it was on Monday
---> Your eyes: behind lenses
---> Your weakness: procrastination?
---> Your fears: ZOMBIES
---> Your perfect pizza: Chicago-style~
---> One thing you'd like to achieve: ...there are so many, but this month's is 50K words.
// series three - what is
---> Your most overused phrase online: ::glomp::
---> Your thoughts first waking up: stfu alarm clock
---> The first feature you notice in the opposite (or same) sex: smile
---> Your usual bedtime: between midnight and one
---> Your greatest accomplishment: Um. Financial independence? College graduation? JLPT2?
---> Your best memory: I can't pick just one.
// series five - do you
---> Smoke: Unwilling secondhand only.
---> Cuss: Fuck yes.
---> Sing well: I am the worst singer I know.
---> Take a shower everyday: Yesssss.
---> Want to get married: Uh.
---> Type with your fingers on the right keys: Mostly, I think, except for B and I don't use the right-hand shift key.
---> Believe in yourself: I damn well better, because if I don't, who will?
---> Get motion sickness: No. :D
---> Get along with your parents: It is a rocky and difficult road, but I have really wonderful people as parents (and siblings). I count myself lucky.
---> Like thunderstorms: YES.
---> Play an instrument: I played violin as a kid.
// series six - in the past month, did/have you
---> Drank alcohol: Come to think of it, I have.
---> Done a drug: Ibuprofen?
---> Go on a date: ....yes, actually.
---> Go to the mall?: Mall? What mall? In Japan? You must be joking. Oh, wait.
---> Been on stage: Stage? No. ...wait. What month...? No, no I haven't. That was last December.
---> Been dumped: There is weirdness, but no.
---> Gone skating: I can't skate, are you kidding?
---> Made homemade cookies: Have I... nope, no cookies.
---> Gone skinny dipping: I wish.
---> Dyed your hair: Nope, and all my highlights have finally grown out.
---> Stolen anything: Uh... no? I don't think so. Unless a thumbtack from work counts.
// series eight - the future
---> Age you hope to be married: Eh.
---> Numbers and Names of Children: Do not want kids.
---> Describe your Dream Wedding: Again...
---> What age do you want to die: NEVER. Um, I dunno.
---> What do you want to be when you grow up: I don't count as grown up now? COme on, people.
---> What country would you most like to visit: What, next? New Zealand.
---> Current Clothes: pajama pants, tank top, sweater, slippers. What? I don't work for another two hours.
---> Current Mood: 1. God, I love NaNo. 2. God, I hate my job. 3. What do you mean, no more coffee?
---> Current Taste: Coffee. (I have been informed this is not a substitute for food. I don't believe it for a microsecond.)
---> Current Hair: Has styling wax in, left over from yesterday. Will wash out.
---> Current Annoyance: My micromanaging boss and the soccer hockey English!conversation!moms.
---> Current Smell: COFFEE. God, I love coffee.
---> Current thing you ought to be doing: NaNo, class planning, doing more character research
---> Current Desktop Picture: ...wait, what is it? ::goes to look:: Oh, right, the train station picture of MatsuJun off the AU website. Not that I like MatsuJun (really, I don't, although he IS awfully pretty), it's just that I like train stations. ::geek:: I love Japanese train stations, especially the itty bitty ones, but hell if I know why.
---> Current Worry: That I will be rejected by all 12 med schools to which I applied.
Thieved from
westly_roanoke Also,
metaquotes has something to say about the Gay Agenda. ::spooky finger wigglies::