stop by and check out the two new(er) tunes inspired by summer shipwreck exploration: and of course, check out the other songs too! :)
i owe two major updates to blog:
1. wedding!!! (once i have some actual pics, I'll be on it!)
2. NEH "united by water" summer adventure!
haven't decided if it's good or bad news, but the PCAT exam is filled this month so I won't be struggling in a corner all month trying to cram for it. i will just have to apply to the programs with the average score that I earned. pffffft. and if i don't accepted, try again next year? yay. luck be a lady, everyone should send out chocolates, red wine, flower, perfumes, and damn!!! really, i just want to be a psychiatric pharmacist now. it'd be much easier if i could find a wormhole to climb through. i feel like a worm sometimes, doesn't that win me the opportunity to climb through holes? :P i'm waiting on this book by John D. Barrow, "The Infinite Book" that supposedly got lost in transit...interesting & ironic as that may be, I am reordering it because i really want to read about George Cantor's insanity when pursuing the infinite! and wormholes and number of neurons aside, this month has just changed color from "gray" to a seemingly tranquil blue :) stream of consciousness journal it is today!
that being said, i will probably order a new (to me) victorian (old) dress and get ready for some shows! woot! my day has turned me around several times; what a great dance it is. waltz?