DBSK Layout

Feb 18, 2009 20:50

I got a request from shirogirl_rainthrough Mira-chan that she wanted a DBSK or Jaejoong layout and I decided to do a DBSK layout.
Have finished it today and now have I fixed the IE problems:)
It's the normal rules.
*Don't claim the codes, header and layout as yours.
*Credit me properly with this code---> naku_92 in the blurb box in the sidebar or in your profile page.


Download everything here--> MF
Here is the edit version-->MF v.2
1.Chose flexible square theme, it should work with everyone of all the flexible square theme:)
2. Chose 2 columns (sidebar on the right).
3. Go to sidebar and add that you want to see in the sidebar.
4. Go to Custom CSS and past the codes in the css box, and chose YES, NO, YES in the three dropbox above the css box!
After that click on save of course:)
Tell me if something doesn't works or you don't understand the instruction;)

To change header:
Search after this codes below!
    .headerimage {

position: top center;
width: 998px;
height: 570px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
background-image: url("http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q120/Love_Angel_92/dbskheader.jpg?t=1234945471");
background-repeat: no-repeat;

delete the bold codes with your own header code and don't forget to change the size of your header, if you don't do it it will not appear.

graphic layout

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