Soooo. I'm not dead, guys...
Aright. So. Last few days have been interesting...
Friday was my birthday (YAY!) so I hauled myself out of bed early and went over to Ashley's house. We trailed around W.T. White for a while, then went over to Greenhill and bugged people there. That was lots of fun. Then Ashley, Jordan, Bev and I went to Cristina's for lunch...yummy. We met up with Waller and Sydney at Starbuck's and hung out there for awhile. I downed a vanilla cafe mocha...yum caffeine. Hee.
Later I went to see Aeon Flux with Stuart, Sydney and Waller. It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen by any means, but I enjoyed it. When I got home from the movie my mom yelled at me for a while...on Thursday night I asked her twice if she had anything at all planned for Friday. She said no. So I made my own plans. Then she got mad at me because she had decided she wanted to do a big thing with a cake, etc., and apparently to take me to get my gift, too. Well, I would have thought that would fall under the category of "anything"! But apparently not. Facepalm. So I bascially said screw her and went to see Chronicles of Narnia with Ashley.
And oh my god it was amazing. My biggest worry was that they'd screw up some major plot point...I've been a huge fan of the series for, like, twelve or thirteen years now, and I adore them. But they got it right! *squees* I sat there sniffling through the entire Stone Table scene. And knowing what the lines were before the characters said them. XD
Anyway. Ashley slept over that night...we watched the third Inuyasha movie on her laptop, since Ashley hadn't seen it yet. We decided on new names for the male characters: Inuyasha is Sex In Pants, Miroku is Sex In Sandals, Sesshy is Sex In Fluff, and the Inutaisho is The Father Of All Sex.
Note that it was about two or three o'clock by this point...that's our excuse. Heh.
Saturday morning we went to Borders and the new Barnes & Noble...I bought the first volume of Get Backers and the Narnia soundtrack. The soundtrack is extraordinary; you should all go get it. It's beautiful. Unfortunately some jerkoff ripped some of the pages out of Get Backers, so I need to get my receipt back from out of Ashley's car and go take it back. Grrrrrr.
Anyhoo. ...What did we do after that?...We got food...and then I think mostly we just kind of chilled at my house until Ashley had to go home. Saturday night ...actually, I don't remember what I did. Oh well.
Yesterday I finally saw the new episodes of Teen Titans and Fullmetal Alchemist and also saw an episode of Danny Phantom that I had missed the first time around. TT was exciting because it was the origins episode. I loved how they integrated some of the comic book background of Starfire's character into it. They all looked a bit younger, too, which was awesome. The new FMA was amazing, as always. I wanted to hug poor Al at the end. Aawww.
Hmmm. Also on Sunday, my aunt and uncle were here for a while to pick up the videos and pictures from my cousin's wedding a few months back. It's always nice to see them, they're awesome people. Apparently they're going up to New York to spend Christmas with their daughter/my cousin and her husband, which should be awesome beyond all belief. I'm sort of jealous; I've always wanted to see what Christmas in NYC was like.
Aaaaand today I hauled myself out of bed early again so I could accompany my mother on her errands and get Kimmie's Christmas gift. We also stopped at Container Store and bought a bunch of cool giftwrapping stuff. I love that place. It's awesome.
Now I'm catching up to the several days' worth of emails I've missed...I haven't been able to do much with it in the last couple of days because I was expressly forbidden to use the good computer in my dad's office - he was screwing around with the wedding DVDs - and the one in the kitchen sucks ass. My dad finally got the wifi working, though, so now, as long as I sit on the stairs right outside the office, I can use Waddles. Sigh. Oh well, at least I'm getting a signal.
Ah yes, and one last note. Been working on another ficbit for the last couple of days, so as soon as I get it finished up expect to see that up on
I love this song, btw.
And now this is an unbelievably long entry, so I'm going to leave it there.