(no subject)

Dec 08, 2005 02:16

Ooooooohhhhh...both the challengers on Iron Chef are both cooking all by themselves. Ooooohh.

(How pathetic is it that that's the big excitement in my life? u__u )

So classes are officially over. We basically just have study time in-between whenever our exams are. Currently my schedule is:

French Thursday 8th 6:30 pm
Exploring Earth Sunday 11th 4:00 pm
Art History Thursday 15th 8:30 am
and then my Brit Lit exam is a take-home, due by Wednesday 14th at noon.

u_____U I die.


*sigh* Oh well. I've bascially failed art history, anyway, so I'm probably not going to put a lot of effort into that one. I think, though, I can bring up my grade a bit in geology if I study really hard for it, and French... x__x well, French has always been evil and hated me, so God only knows how that's going to go. Not sure yet how I'm going to handle the Brit Lit one...I need to go back and reread a bunch of the poems, short stories, etc. before I'll be ready to take it. No idea when I'm going to do that. Sigh.

In other news...Chronicles of Narnia comes out Friday. I'm very excited about that. From everything I've heard it's really good, but then again, it could just be that the viewers were blown away by the visuals - which I expected, considering that Weta Workship is doing the special effects and everything. But if they don't get the plot out right...it's not that long a book, so I'm hopeful. At least all the characters look more or less the way I've been picturing them in my head since I first read them probably at least ten years ago (which makes me feel really old, btw).

Last night was our last Flux meeting of the semester. That was fun. We watched three episodes of Chobits (and omg Chii is the cutest thing EVAR)...and then finished Chrno Crusade. OH MY GOD. It was amazing. Normally we all sit around and MST the hell out of everything we watch, but for the last, like, three episodes, it was dead silent. It was amazing. Holy crap. I wanted to cry at the end, and would have, too, had I not been in a public place.

Now I really want to read the manga, too, because I've heard that around volume, like, 3 or 4 or 5 or something it starts to differ drastically from the anime. So I reeeeally hope I get those for Xmas...they're on my list. If not, I'm sure I'll get lots of Borders/B&N gift certificates for my birthday/Christmas. Three guesses what I'll be getting.

Actually, I may look into Get Backers...I've heard that's good. And after seeing the first couple of episodes of Paradise Kiss in Flux a few weeks back, I want to get some of those, too. Whatever. I've got a while to decide. XD

Nothing much else going on around here. Don't remember whether or not I mentioned before that I got an awesome skirt the other night at Forever 21. You can kinda see it in some of the pictures in my randomass photo post from the other night.

I got to feel cool earlier tonight when r_enoah and I were the only people in the Harem and I invited a bunch of people and got it going XD Wow. This is what my life has become, guys. I'm so pathetic. Woo!

Hmmm. That's about it, I think. Ja ne~

movies, tv, fmaharem, flux, school, shopping

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