Mar 29, 2010 00:14
Sorry I've been so absent lately. I've been under a lot of stress and pressure lately thanks to Ghetto and assorted other stuff going on in my life, so I haven't really been on LJ much with what little other time I have. I'm a terrible flister and I really don't expect to get any comments on any of my entries anymore, since it's not like I've commented on anyone else's in weeks.
Still on an RP hiatus, for the same reasons as listed above. I still don't have any motivation.
I'm pretty sure I've spent the last six, eight weeks in a state somewhere between tired and delirious with exhaustion. My grades aren't suffering, at least, thankfully.
I've been finding it really hard to motivate myself to do anything other than drag from one class to the next for... a while now. I'm still, y'know, doing my homework, and eating, and everything. Not doing a lot of sleeping, though that's probably all I'd do if I could. But with a couple of notable exceptions over the last couple of months, it's been really hard for me to be terribly excited about anything. I'm not sure why. It's not like my life is going badly right now or anything. I should, by all reasonable definitions, be pretty happy with the way things are going. I don't know why I'm not.
We had auditions for the drag show for ADD tonight. I went for Graverobber. I didn't get it.
I did get the Shakespeare Dallas internship I applied for. It's a pretty big deal, so I'm trying to focus on that instead.
I'm glad I have a meeting with my therapist tomorrow.
That's all.
sorry darlings,
shakespeare dallas