That 25 Things meme, because I'm bored.
1. I have oddly selective OCD. For example: my room is a disaster, but if my computer files aren't organised, I can't cope. Also, anything I'm listening to that has a volume control has to be set on either an even number or a number divisible by five.
2. A couple of months ago I bought a tiny tin mailbox out of the dollar bin at Target. I use it to store teabags and Splenda, because I have a tea problem.
3. I collect miniature windchimes. I only have five, because miniature windchimes are fucking hard to find.
4. I tend to not talk to people about my really serious problems. There are only really two or three people that ever hear about them, and then only when I'm under a lot of pressure and they push me into it because I'm being crazy.
5. I have a tattoo of a scarab beetle on the small of my back.
6. I want to get nine more: one each as tributes to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Peter Pan, and A Wrinkle in Time; one as a tribute to the His Dark Materials series; a lightning bolt; the Flamel; stars on the right side of my ribcage, one for each show I'm in; the first four bars of the overture to Phantom of the Opera along the side of my right foot; and a Western-style dragon sittign on my left hip, with his tail going down onto my left thigh and his neck and head along my left side, in teal and green and blue. I also want to add wings and a sun to my scarab. (I have reasons for all of these, too! Feel free to ask if for some reason you're curious.)
7. I love dyeing my hair funky colors (in the past it's had in it pink, purple, red, and pink/teal), but I can't do it very often because it's hard to get jobs/roles when your hair is weird colors.
8. I have a terrible fandom attention span. I always feel really guilty when I get into something, then get bored with it three weeks later.
9. I've still never seen Titanic.
10. At last count, I had over sixty pairs of shoes.
11. I own four different petticoats and ten wigs.
12. Even though I've joked about burning my textbooks, etc., after I'm done with a class, I've never actually done it. It seems too sacreligious to me to actually burn a book.
13. I'm pretty sure that if it wasn't for
tehharem, I wouldn't have made it through that year at Trinity.
14. If I had the money, I would drink a lot more wine. Mmmmmmm, wine.
15. When I was a kid, I had a plushie Husky dog named Emily. I lost her years ago on a trip, and I'm still not over it.
16. When I grow up, I plan to actually own a Husky, and to name her Emily.
17. I doubt myself. A lot. About just about everything.
18. Sometimes I worry that when I'm having conversations with other people, I talk about myself too much.
19. I am rabidly defensive of my friends, even when I know they're wrong.
20. Most of the time, when I make fandom secrets, it's because I'm looking to get that fandom's reaction on it, instead of just my flist's.
21. I have a mild oral fixation. I'll chew on just about anything.
22. I also have a fixation on my cuticles. I have a cuticle clipper on my desk and I am constantly messing with them.
23. My dream roles include Amneris in Aida, Elphaba in Wicked, Belle in Beauty and the Beast, Ariel in The Little Mermaid, Sophie in Mamma Mia, Maureen in Rent, and Christine in The Phantom of the Opera. Christine is the only one of these I couldn't play.
24. I am very detail-oriented when it comes to cosplays. Everything has to be perfect or I won't do it.
25. I am determined to live in New York City at some point in my life.