WOW OKAY SO. Last few days have been insane.
Saturday night I went to dinner with Ashley at Rockfish, which was awesome. She has a friend from her music ed class that works there (as well as said friend's roommate) and after they got off we all went back to Ashley's and played with Taz for a while, because he is the adorablest puppy ever in the history of adorable puppies.
THEN on Sunday I spent most of the morning futzing around on the internet and watching X-Files and generally getting absolutely nothing accomplished. Sunday night I had my Sound of Music audition, which I think went fairly well - it's hard to tell since I didn't hear anyone else sing, so I really can't make any comparisons, but I felt like I sang well, at least. They said that they'll be making calls to everyone who's been cast by the end of the week.
Yesterday was a fairly normal day, although thanks to having taken my math test on Friday I didn't have to go to math class. Instead I came home and watched more X-Files, played around on the anon meme, and generally just got absolutely nothing accomplished. Again.
(On a related note, can I just state for the record how awesome Eway is? Whereas most other games in LJRP-land had threads for "Worst Characters" and "Worst Muns" and what-have-you, we had... the secret tunnel song. And a conversation about how the mansion needs a ball pit. And making fun of Elle about condoms.)
THEN I realised that my government essay was due today so I sat up until 3:30 am getting that written. It's five pages on the implications of the gay rights movement on civil rights movements in general, and how America's democratic values apply to the gay rights movement. My cultural studies class came in handy, let me tell you. Anyway, I got that finished and handed in, although I didn't get my cultural studies essay written. I'm not terribly concerned about that, though, because I've probably got something like a 97 in the class anyway, so it won't really hurt me to turn it in later today and get a slightly reduced grade.
A quote to demonstrate how awesome X-Files is:
Scully: Nonsensical repeated behavior is a common sign of mental illness.
Mulder: You trying to tell me something?
OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO SOFUNNY. I love my shiny new fandom.
Still haven't gotten anything else accomplished on the cosplay front. I still need to order my wig for Squalo (the website where I thought I'd be able to get the perfect one doesn't have the right colour in the length I need, boo), and also make ALL THE WEAPONS. Waugh. The problem is that the foamboard I'm using is very, very lightweight and tends to try to escape in the wind, and it has been very windy lately. My mom suggested just working in the garage, which is actually what I wanted to do in the first place but didn't even bring up because I thought she'd complain about foam dust being all over her garage. So if I can just get my dad to help me get the pieces cut out, I'll be good to go.
I still have to buy an annoying number of things, though:
- black petticoat (Shilo)
- thigh-high black stockings (Shilo)
- wig (Squalo)
- black ribbon (Shilo)
- rings (Squalo and Shilo)
- flip-flops (Anna) (maybe)
- fabric for headscarf (Anna)
I also have to find a way to make the wrist communicator-thing that Shilo wears. Search me how I'm going to accomplish that. I may just go to Target or Wal-Mart and see if I can find a chunky watch in the right general shape, and then modify it accordingly. If anyone on my flist is familiar with Repo, any suggestions you have would be really helpful!
Also, flist: I know there are at least a couple of you that are big Lush fans. What's their best bubble-bath-esque product? I want some Lushy bubble bath.
I think I might go buy the next Dresden Files book after class today. Might. I need to do some math and make sure I have enough extra money.
ALSO ALSO another awesome thing about Eway: HARRY POTTER EVENT. For anyone who's not in the game - the entire mansion is turning into Hogwarts for two days. Everyone's going to think they've always been there and that everything is entirely normal, except for all the Potterverse characters, who are going to be completely befuddled. It's going to be so awesome eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
fwaugh okay I think that's all
sorry I keep writing tl;dr entries
edit2 More lulz from my cultural studies class:
We just spent the last WEEK discussing what the Bible actually says about homosexuality and what members of various religions think about it, etc, and all the scholarly evidence for the fact that the Bible does not, in fact, condemn homosexuality in any way, and how it must be read in context for the time period.
...And then this kid goes "I don't understand why you would follow a religion that condemns you."
idk it's just so retarded I have to laugh.