Sep 25, 2008 08:23
In history class. My teacher is a bitch and this class is full of people that have no fucking clue what the hell they're doing because they're too goddamn stupid to figure it out.
The reason for this vitriol: We got our tests from Tuesday back today, and it marked my first two answers as wrong when I know they're right. "History" is "narrative of important events or people; account of some happenings" and "historiography" is "the study of the writing of history," not the other way around.
So about half the class -- that's half of 90-odd people, guys -- is still coming down to pick up their tests and so I went up to point this out to her, and she doesn't even look and me and snaps, "Go sit back down, I'm trying to get class started here."
PFF YEAH THAT'LL WORK REAL WELL WHEN HALF THE CLASS ISN'T EVEN IN THEIR SEATS YET. And then she goes on to announce to the class that her office hours are from 11:50 to somethingsomething on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm at work then. I'm going to go try to ask her about it again after class and she better fucking not tell me I have to come see her during office hours to get my grade fixed.
On an equally idiotic, but significantly more hilarious note, yesterday in my geology class this chick asked if there was "more than one moon." She then followed that up with "Is an ellipse different from an eclipse?"
stupid bitch syndrome,
i hate history class,