Feb 17, 2007 23:29
So I just spent like an hour and a half on the phone with Spouse being a total theatre kid XDD It's so much fun. Why didn't I start doing this earlier? wtf, me. I should've totally at least taken acting I in high school.
The show's coming together really well, I'm so excited. For "Beauty School Dropout" the choreography is TONS of fun and we get to wear BLUE BEEHIVES and I finally figured out how to to the jitterbug in "Born to Hand Jive" properly, so I no longer have to stomp my feet around and hope it looks right. XD We're going back over Act I on Monday though... which we haven't touched in a week and a half. x__x Hopefully we'll all actually remember our blocking and choreography. I have to dance on a bench during "Summer Nights," bleurgh.
wtf, my music is skipping DD: sad Nako, I love this CD, why is all skippy? It's not even actually a CD it's on WMP I do not understand.
Brawl is the funniest thing IN THE WORLD. Meg made the best voice post ever and I think the entire Naruto fandom is about to explode. DRAMAAAAA.