my journal has been so neglected.
fluff first:
lately, i've found a new favorite soda- jones soda co.'s m.f. grape soda. i don't really know what the m.f. stands for- probably "mighty fine" or sth like that- but it's dimensional tasting, and i think i crave it all the more b/c there's only one place that i know of that carries it currently.
deeper thoughts:
seems like i'm prone to falling into the tendency to think that there is one (achievable) panacea to one's problems. "if only X, then my life would be so perfect." nvm that X has an annoying tendency to act as a wildly random variable. one day, it's something trite like having a certain amount of money; another day, something i really should have, like an advanced degree; and yet another day, it'll be something along the lines of physical or mental self-improvement and persistence. or, embarrassingly enough, a projected relationship that i've filled in all the blanks for. but don't we all dream in ideals? i've learned that we're happiest when we are in the process of striving for something. in a perfect world, goals would be attained and created at a healthy speed... i should aim to not stagnate so much.
(wtf, my LJ is auto-saving my draft as i type this? man, i've been away from this way too long.)
bleah. typed up an old entry. not much else to say, i guess- puppy is doing well and a hopping lunatic in the morning. hope y'all have been well too? haha, if you still read me.
david, how come you are always online but always afk? :-P
matt, please post me WC times if you can. i need to find somewhere i can get a jersey to get me in WC watching mode. anyone wanna watch w/ me? O_o