Woot! Vacay time!

Mar 19, 2010 22:12

Ah yes, the start of 16 blissful days of sweet fuck all. It's hiliarious that I'm the only who seems to consider not doing anything to be a vacation. I mean, I have stuff to do, but it isn't urgent nor is it work.

A list that hopefully I will stick to:
-Plant more seeds. Wants moar pumpakinses this year.
-Practice, practice, practises drawing. My figure drawing is getting better again but my god it needs work. Also needs to work on sketching other shite and hopefully I will soon master the elusive Tauren leg. I have no idea what eludes me there, but god I suck.
-Take back unofficial title of most shockingly violent Druid on realm. Its never good when a boomkin beats a tankadin for kills in a BG. I was having a bad day...
-Celebrate birfday!! 26 and still not 30! Woot!
-figure out where to go with girls for supper on said birthday before they lynch me and my indecisive nature.
-work through some of the monster pile of books next to my bed.
-File taxes. Boring, but usually leads to money!
-Redo lj layout, seeing as I'm letting my site go this year, unless I paid for two last year, as I just use it for file storage. I can always make a new one later.

Then I need to learn to type long posts on computer, not iPhone. My thumbs are fried. In my defense the Internet was dead when I was down there. Go to go to bed and BOOM! it's back.


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