Title: Fever
Author: naki_taoreru
Rating: R
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: Leon Orcot and Count D
psohdrabble. Challenge #277 - Strange Healing
D felt so light-headed, out of control. His flesh burned, his heart raced wildly in his chest. He bit his forefinger against the pain but couldn’t keep from crying out.
“Hey, don’t. You’ll hurt yourself.” Leon pulled his hand away, entwined their fingers. “Squeeze my hand instead.”
“Detective,” he gasped. “I cannot…”
“Yes, you can,” Leon whispered hoarsely against his ear, struggling for control.
“It… hurts,”
“I know. And I’m sorry. But if you let me, I promise I’ll make it better.”
Nodding, D surrendered himself completely to Leon’s tender mercies. He was, after all, a man of his word.